Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hard headed

We are on the road to the Chocolate farm and passing through San Isidro.

Mom, this one is a story you will sympathize with. And it is good to note that sometimes the drama is just more fun to tell. 

The news is that I almost died twice.  While at the waterfall, (first time there by myself,) I slipped on some rocks and landed on my head.   To my amazement it wasn’t cracked.  Boy, do I have a hard head.  Lucky to be alive.  The real killer is when we were driving home.  We saw a young girl standing on the road and waiting for a ride as people here often do, since the bus only comes twice a week.  And as it happened she was someone we know.  The moment she got in the car I started getting dizzy.  She was wearing perfume and I tried to act normal but finally when I was about to pass out I reached up for the skylight window to open it.  Jim helped me and suggested I stand up and get some fresh air.  I was a little embarrassed because it would seem quite strange.  But I guess not stranger than telling her I’m allergic to perfume.  That always makes people feel weird.  But this was strong and felt life threatening.  After she got out it took me three hours  to recover. 

We visited a nice permaculture farm today - Fuente Verde ( a lovely development with lots for sale and six families living there.  The woman we met, Tiffany, has a son 11 yrs. old who walks a mile to school everyday.  When she talked about the freedom and the life she and her son have here and how she wanted her son to feel the rainbow of freedom in contrast to what kids go through in the states it was inspiring.  I left thinking about kids with ADHD.  How many kids would have ADHD if they started out with a mile walk amidst the forest and animals singing everyday?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kel,

    Yes, I always enjoy hearing stories about your near brushes with death--what fun!

    More seriously, very sorry to hear of your experience with the perfume. It sounds pretty scary. I've learned after many years to speak up immediately, respectfully but without embarrasment, about my sensitivity. I notice when I do that the response is positive, even if the person is ignorant about MCS. I remember our choir leader in Cave Junction was completely unapologetic about her request that the choir members be scent-free. “It’s better for everyone,” she said. I liked that way of putting it.

    The way you and Jim are introducing organic growing there, in a way that the farmers can see how it will benefit them, is just marvelous. Bravo!

    The permaculture farm sounds great, will check out their website.

    Do you have the ability to skype?



Please let us know if you would like to know more about the chocolate we make for sale in Sonoma or if you are interested in visiting the farm in Costa Rica.