Monday, January 4, 2010

Not the last song

The Champion is grinding, the Santha is humming, so it looks like our last couple of batches is underway.  Thanks to Maya Resturant on the Square for lending us the grinder and much needed general support from Rachna along the way.  But it feels a little crazy, like everything we do, to be making chocolate; such a big project in the middle of moving ( we leave on the 11th.)  But i guess food processing was in the stars today because i spent the first half of the day crying and sniffling because of the fresh cayenne pepper i was powdering.  I guess some "spicy hearts" are in order.   And this time i'm going to try putting in the Vanilla beans and cinnamon at the end.  Again there is no guarantee but if it comes out good i would like to offer a free bar to those of you who were regular customers.  We are not going to sell any this time... 
We do have some fresh cinnamon sticks and also some of the award winning vanilla beans from Villa Vanilla still available as well as some jars of vanilla extract made by the same farm.  We had intended to offer all these amazing products but i never got around to organizing that.  I'm taking donations for my cost, or just giving it away, I would love for it to be used.  

Oh!!!!! I'm being called to the kitchen this very moment, there is a problem, something is going wrong with the chocolate,  maybe the beans absorbed some moistsure while sitting out... and it is not looking normal, to be continued...

So, anyway, as we leave Sonoma, i look around and feel the hope in my heart that everyone here will take time to sit in silence, or sit and listen to music, not as a backround music but as an event, a rendering of the heart for the heart, the way we use to do in the old days, to participate in the calling of the planet for wasting less, using more natural products in day to day life, reading poetry, making slow food, befriending someone in need, contemplating nature and in general to prioratize our activities in  our lives to reflect our truest desires.

more time passes...

Ok... a Yoga lesson and a short flute practice later, and the chocolate is back to life.  Jim has been tinkering with with it and though we haven't added the sugar yet or the rest of the cacao it looks again full of promise.

In my last days here i reflect on all the relations I have had here, all the nourishment, soulfull education, the deep friendship, and, not to be one sided... all the trials, disapointments, and stupefying realazitions I've had. Each one stays in my heart, finished and unfinished.  Unlike the feeling of escaping from a situation, this feels like a natural shift.  A clear seeing that I've offered what I can, taken what has been offered and surrendered to a deep resolve that sets me free. 

We'll be back to visit and when our paths cross again it will be a delightful occasion.

Please come by if any of the above products are calling you.

We plan on continuing the Blog about our experience in CR.

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Please let us know if you would like to know more about the chocolate we make for sale in Sonoma or if you are interested in visiting the farm in Costa Rica.